Here you can find the answers to some frequently asked questions.
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If you cannot find the answer, please write an email to: info@elke-ac.com

Question n°1
Pressure Regulator
Why does the pressure regulator stop?
There can be many reasons, the most common is an abrupt/too fast opening of the regulating valve.
This operation causes the deterioration of the protection membranes inside the regulator.
For a correct use of the regulator, make sure it is fully turned clockwise (closed) before being screwed onto the cylinder.
After connecting the cylinder, slowly turn the knob clockwise to allow the gas to flow.
Question n°2
N2H2 Cylinder
How many services can I do with a 1 L Nitrogen/Hydrogen cylinder? And how many with a 2.2 L cylinder?
It depends on the pressure used, and on the size of the system and the bottle.
With an average pressure of 8/10 bars, you can do up to 3 services with the 1 L cylinder and up to 6 services with the 2.2 L cylinder.

Question n°3
Leak Detector
Why doesn’t my leak detector find the leaks? Is it broken?
Below you can find some simple operations to determine the cause.
The sensor has a limited functioning life, and gets consumed with use. Replace it to restore the correct functioning of the detector.
The protection of the detector can get dirty or obstructed, preventing it from working correctly.
By only replacing the protection, the leak detector should work properly again.
Once the leak detector is switched on, it checks and records the concentration of gas present at that moment in the air.
Then, it will only indicate the concentrations that are higher than the first ones.
Hence, do not directly point the detector on the leak when turning it on, but rather wait 45/60 seconds to proceed.
After the first detection, remove the leak detector from the area of interest and wait a few seconds before proceeding with a second, more accurate, detection.
Please, remember that it is important not to use the detector in a gas saturated environment.